Pomoc:Quiz: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Utworzył nową stronę „{| | <quiz display=simple> {   |type="{}"} Where was Aristotle born? { Stageira } {   |type="{}"} Name Aristotle's famous mentor. { Plato } {   |type=...”
Viatoro (dyskusja | edycje)
Na podstawie http://en.wikiversity.org/w/index.php?title=Help:Quiz&oldid=572415, autorów:MichaelFrey,Heldergeovane,HenkvD,Jtneill,Stevenfruitsmaak,Erkan Yilmaz,Elcairo,Cormaggio
Linia 1: Linia 1:
To jest strona pomocy dla [[mw:Extension:Quiz|rozszerzenia quiz]].

To rozszerzenie składa się z kilku prostych komend, a ta strona jest tak długa tylko ze względu na możliwe kombinacje pomiędzy nimi.

== Jak zrobić Quiz w podręczniku ==

=== Tag quiz ===

{| class="prettytable"
!wikitekst<br />(to co piszesz)!!rendering<br />(to co widzisz)!!uwagi
|valign=top width=200|&lt;quiz&gt;<br />''tutaj umieść pytanie''<br />&lt;/quiz&gt;

{''Tu powinno się pojawić pytanie.''}

|valign=top|Tagi ''quiz'' umożliwiają następujące rzeczy:
* Umieścić standardowe opcje quizów i pokazanie odpowiedzi za pomocą kolorów. Klucz odpowiedzi wg kolorów pojawia się tylko jeśli zostały zaznaczone odpowiedzi.
* Dodanie przycisku "wyślij" na dole, kiedy użytkownik skończy quiz i będzie chciał poznać odpowiedzi.
* Wszystko pomiędzy tagami "quiz" jest parsowane przez rozszerzenie ''Quiz'' i zamieniane w pytanie, jeśli jest to tylko możliwe.

Teoretycznie możliwe jest użycie tagów ''quiz'' osobno przy każdym pytaniu, pozwalając odpowiadać na nie po kolei.

'''Shuffling questions''': if the shuffle questions button is shown, the questions can be shuffled by clicking the button. This only works so long as the quiz-taker has not started to answer the questions. Once the quiz-taker starts answering, the order is locked.

|valign=top|&lt;quiz display=simple&gt;<br />''tutaj umieść pytanie''<br />&lt;/quiz&gt;
|<quiz display=simple>

{''Tu powinno się pojawić pytanie.''}

* Importantly, the addition of "display=simple" as an attribute of the quiz tag removes the points table at the top.
* This is useful for short quizzes, and especially for situations where you insert single questions between text blocks.

|valign=top|&lt;quiz shuffle=none&gt;<br />''insert questions here''<br />&lt;/quiz&gt;
|<quiz shuffle=none>

{''Tu powinno się pojawić pytanie.''}

| valign=top|
* If you'd like to keep the points table but get rid of the button for shuffling questions, use ''shuffle=none'' as shown.


=== Umieszczanie pytań ===

Typy pytań znajdują się poniżej. Co ważne, każde pytanie w jednym quzie musi być oddzielone pustym wierszem, inaczej zostaną one potraktowane jako jedno długie pytanie.

=== Jak czytać przykłady ===

Przykłady na tej stronie są pokazane na dwa sposoby: jako wikitekst oraz w postaci zrenderowanej. Wikitekst pokazuje kod, który można skopiować do własnego quizy, natomiast rendering pokazuje efekt użytego kodu.

==== Kopiowanie i wklejanie ====

The markup has been slightly simplified in order to help ''understanding''. If you copy and paste, you must insert &lt;quiz&gt; tags before and after the markup. You may wish to use the quiz tags with the "display=simple" option as shown above.

Note that the actual example below also use ''tables'' for clarity. If a quiz is inserted into a table, this modifies the appearance of a quiz - for example, boxes appear around some elements in the quiz. If you don't use a table, these boxes disappear and your quiz will look plainer.

When pasting, ensure that '''all the symbols are aligned with the left of the page''' - i.e. if any line begins with a space, formating errors may occur.

==== Przykłady ====

Wszystkie poniższe przykłady powinny działać. Nie bój się je wypróbować. Użycie przycisków nie spowoduje uszkodzeń ani zmian w samej stronie.
== Podstawowe typy pytań ==

=== Wiele możliwości i jedna odpowiedź ===

{| class="prettytable"
+ Prawda
- Fałsz
- Fałsz
- Fałsz
<quiz display=simple>
+ Prawda
- Fałsz
- Fałsz
- Fałsz
* Ten typ pytań posiada '''jedną''' dobrą odpowiedź i dowolną liczbę złych (pokazane są trzy złe, ale ich liczba jest nieograniczona).
* Poprawna odpowiedź może być w dowolnym wierszu, a żeby ją wyróżnić przed nią musi zostać umieszczony znak "+". Przed nieprawidłowymi odpowiedziami należy użyć znaku "-".
* Wikitekst powinien być umieszczony pomiędzy tagami <nowiki><quiz> i </qiuz></nowiki>.
* Odpowiedzi pojawiają się w tej samej kolejności co w kodzie, więc należy je wymieszać przed dodaniem ich do kodu.
* Każdy symbol, jak np. '''|''', "+", "-" i każdy tego typu, musi znaleźć się na początku każdego nowego wiersza.
* Symbol oznaczający prawdziwość odpowiedzi ("+" i "-") musi znajdować się na początku nowej linii - przed nim nie może pojawić się nawet spacja.
* The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
* A ''distractor'' is the standard term for a multiple choice option which is wrong.
* Nawias () w atrybucie "type" symbolizuje odpowiedzi jednokrotnego wyboru (radio).
* To see the full colour code (with four colours), try doing the quiz and clicking the correction button.
* A ''second'' click on a radio button (i.e. a click on an already clicked radio button) will deselect it.

=== Pytania Prawda/Fałsz ===

{| class="prettytable"
{Bułgaria i Rumunia
dołączyły do Unii Europejskie w 2007.
+ Prawda
- Fałsz

{Szwajcaria jest
członkiem Unii Europejskiej.
- Prawda
+ Fałsz
<quiz display=simple>
{Bułgaria i Rumunia dołączyły do Unii Europejskie w 2007.
+ Prawda
- Fałsz

{Szwajcaria jest członkiem Unii Europejskiej.
- Prawda
+ Fałsz
* W wielu quizach pytanie typu Prawda/Fałsz są uważane jako osobny typ, chociaż tak naprawdę są one wariacją wielu możliwości z jedną poprawną odpowiedzią. To rozszerzenie traktuje oba rodzaje quizów identycznie i ich wywołanie wygląda identycznie, jedyna różnica to ilość możliwych odpowiedzi.
* Pierwszy przykład pokazuje, że poprawną odpowiedzią jest "Prawda".
* Drugiprzykład pokazuje, że poprawną odpowiedzią może być też "Fałsz".
* Przykłady są aktywne i można je sprawdzić teraz.
* If you have a large number of true/false questions, a more efficient way to lay them out would be to use the [[Help:Quiz#Tabular response type with radio buttons|tabular response type with radio buttons]] documented below.


=== Test wielokrotnego wyboru ===

{| class="prettytable"
+ Poprawna odpowiedź
- Błędna odpowiedź
+ Poprawna odpowiedź
- Błędna odpowiedź
<quiz display=simple>
+ Poprawna odpowiedź
- Błędna odpowiedź
+ Poprawna odpowiedź
- Błędna odpowiedź
* Ten typ quizów umożliwia istnienie więcej poprawnych odpowiedzi niż jedna.
* Poprawne odpowiedz w kodzie poprzedzone są znakiem "+", fałszy "-".
* Wikitekst powinien być umieszczony pomiędzy tagami <nowiki><quiz> i </qiuz></nowiki>.
* Answers appear in the same order as in the markup, so it is advisable to shuffle them before exporting into markup.
* Every symbol, i.e. '''|''', +, - and any other symbols listed further down, '''must''' be on a new line.
* The symbols must '''begin''' the newline - no spaces before them.
* The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
* The [] symbol in the type attribute is supposed to look like a checkbox.


=== Krótkie odpowiedzi ===

{| class="prettytable"
{ &amp;nbsp;
Gdzie urodził się Arystoteles?
{ Stageira }

{ &amp;nbsp;
Imię nauczyciela Arystotelesa?
{ Platon }

{ &amp;nbsp;
{ Aleksander } był
najsłynniejszym uczniem Arystotelesa.

Linia 15: Linia 240:
* In a ''typed response'' the quiz-taker types an answer into a textfield using the keyboard.
* The question type is signalled using '''"{}"''' as the argument of the ''type''.
* A textfield is inserted using curly brackets at the desired position of the textfield.
** Note that curly brackets alone don't create a textfield. The curly brackets must have spaces between them and the enclosed text. '''{ Answer }''' works, but '''{Answer}''' doesn't work.
** The correct answer must be inserted between the curly brackets.
** The textfield can be positioned anywhere in the text. Text before and after the text field will display as normal text.
* The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
* A non-breaking space was inserted between { and |type= because some text is required at that position (slightly buggy thing).
{ &nbsp;
Name a famous Greek philosopher.
{ Aristotle|Plato }

<quiz display=simple>

{ &nbsp;
Name a famous Greek philosopher. { Aristotle|Plato }
* Typed responses often have more than one possible answer. You can list all the possible answers inside the curly brackets using a pipe to separate them.
* In the example, there are two possible answers. Try it - the demo is live.

{ &nbsp;
Name Aristotle's famous mentor.
{ Plato _6 }

<quiz display=simple>

{ &nbsp;
Name Aristotle's famous mentor. { Plato _6 }
* To modify the size of the textfield, add an underscore and an integer following the answer within the curly brackets to represent the number of glyph spaces you need.
* This number depends, however it should be around n+2 (where n is the number of glyphs in the answer)

{ Complete each box with a synonym
of the following words
<li>free: { gratis _6 }</li>
<li>well: { good _4 }</li>

<quiz display=simple>
{ Complete each box with a synonymof the following words
<ol><li>free: { gratis _6 }</li><li>well: { good _4 }</li></ol>
* You can group the items into one only question.
* Do not use line breaks between <nowiki></li></nowiki> and <nowiki><li></nowiki>.

{ &nbsp;
Where did Aristotle die?
{ Chalcis (i) }

<quiz display=simple>

{ &nbsp;
Where did Aristotle die? { Chalcis (i) }
* '''Case-sensitivity''': typed responses are ''case-sensitive'' unless you add '''''(i)''''' at the position shown. The (i) stands for case-'''in'''sensitive.
* If some question have more than one possible answer, you should include one '''''(i)''''' for each of them.


=== Gapfill / cloze ===

{| class="prettytable"
{Complete the text from the Wikipedia article on [[w:Aristotle|Aristotle]].
Aristotle was born in { Stageira _8 } in Chalcidice. His parents were { Phaestis _8 }
and { Nicomachus _10 }, who became physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle
was educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of { eighteen|18 _8},
he went to { Athens _6 } to continue his education at { Plato _5 }'s Academy.
Aristotle remained at the Academy for nearly twenty years, not leaving until after
Plato's death in { 347 _3 } BC.
{| class="prettytable" width=500
<quiz display=simple>
{Complete the text from the Wikipedia article on [[w:Aristotle|Aristotle]].
Aristotle was born in { Stageira _8 } in Chalcidice. His parents were { Phaestis _8 } and { Nicomachus _10 }, who became physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle was educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of { eighteen|18 _8}, he went to { Athens _6 } to continue his education at { Plato _5 }'s Academy. Aristotle remained at the Academy for nearly twenty years, not leaving until after Plato's death in { 347 _3 } BC.
* Gapfills (or cloze exercises) are created in almost exactly the same way as typed responses. The difference is that you just write a bit more text and add a few more textfields.
* The gapfill above was additionally placed in a box and centered using a wiki table.

=== Numerical response ===

{| class="prettytable"
{In which year was Plato born?
He was born in { 427-428 _5 } BC.

<quiz display=simple>
{In which year was Plato born?
He was born in { 427-428 _5 } BC.
* At Wikiversity, numerical responses are a subtle modification of typed responses. The syntax is identical, except for some additions which allow numerical ranges and numerical tolerances if the answer is a number.
* In the example to the right, the uncertainty over Plato's date of birth is reflected in the answer by using a '''range'''. A simple hyphen between the numbers permits all numbers inbetween.

{How far is the earth from the sun?
{ 91-95 _3 } million miles.

<quiz display=simple>
{How far is the earth from the sun?
{ 91-95 _3 } million miles.
* This is another example of a range.
* The _3 ensures that the textfield doesn't get too wide.

{What is 10 times 10?
{ 100 5% _3 }

<quiz display=simple>
{What is 10 times 10?
{ 100 5% _3 }
* This is an example of specifying a '''tolerance'''. The critical part is "5%", which specifies the expected tolerance of 5%. In this example, values between 95 and 105 should work, but try it.
* At the time of writing, the underscore method of limiting the size of the textfield does not yet work in combination with a tolerance specification, so a range may be a better method of specifying numerical accuracy.

|valign=top colspan=2 align=center|
<quiz display=simple>
{Complete the following text, inserting words and numbers as appropriate.
The Earth formed around { 4.5-4.6 _3 } billion years ago and its only known natural satellite, the { Moon|moon _5 }, began orbiting it around { 4.5 _4 } billion years ago. At present, the Earth orbits the { Sun|sun _5 } once for every roughly { 366-367 _6 } times it rotates about its axis.
* Because numerical responses are, programmatically, a sub-variety of typed response, numerical and text responses can be freely mixed in a gapfill as shown to the left.


=== Tabular response type with radio buttons ===

{| class="prettytable"
| A | B | C
+-- A is correct.
-+- B is correct.
--+ C is correct.
<quiz display=simple>
| A | B | C
+-- A is correct.
-+- B is correct.
--+ C is correct.
* Add extra radio buttons by reduplicating the +/- signs at the beginning of each row.
* There should only be one plus sign in each row.
* Specify columns headers by using pipes at the top.

=== Tabular response type with checkboxes ===

{| class="prettytable"
| Option A | Option B | Option C
++- Question 1
(Clue: A and B are correct).
-++ Question 2 (
Clue: B and C are correct).
--+ Question 3
(Clue: C is correct).
<quiz display=simple>
| Option A | Option B | Option C
++- Question 1 (Clue: A and B are correct).
-++ Question 2 (Clue: B and C are correct).
--+ Question 3 (Clue: C is correct).

* This type of question has multiple everything.
* Correct answers are indicated by plus signs, incorrect ones by minus signs. By reduplicating the +/- signs at the beginning of each row, extra checkboxes can be added.
* The column headers are defined using pipes at the top as shown.

== Advanced stuff ==

===Inserting feedback===

{| class="prettytable"
+ The correct answer.
|| Feedback for correct answer.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
<quiz display=simple>
+ The correct answer.
|| Feedback for correct answer.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
- Distractor.
|| Feedback for distractor.
* Feedback is text which is initially hidden, and then shown to the user when they submit the quiz for correction. Feedback typically serves the purposes of encouragement, explanation, congratulation and commiseration.
* Feedback is set with all types by using a double vertical line '''||''' immediately after a response.
* The pipes beginning the ''feedback'' section must be on a new line.
* Unlike some other quiz systems, '''all''' feedback items are displayed on correction. With other quiz systems, the norm is to display the feedback only for those items which were selected by the user.
* To try out the feedback effect, choose a response and click the correction button. The feedback will then appear.

=== Inserting blocks of text between questions ===

{| class="prettytable"
{This is the first question.
+ Prawidłowa odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź

{This is a block of text.}

{This is the second question.
+ Prawidłowa odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
<quiz display=simple>
{This is the first question.
+ Prawidłowa odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź

<div style="float:left;margin-right:0.9em">
[[Image:Arctic terns.jpg|100px|Arctic Terns]]

The '''[[w:Arctic Tern|Arctic Tern]]''' is a [[w:seabird|seabird]] of the [[w:tern|tern]] [[w:family (biology)|family]] Sternidae. This [[w:bird|bird]] has a [[w:circumpolar|circumpolar]] distribution, breeding colonially in [[w:Arctic|Arctic]] and sub-Arctic regions of [[w:Europe|Europe]], [[w:Asia|Asia]], and [[w:North America|North America]] (as far south as [[w:Bretagne|Brittany]] and [[w:Massachusetts|Massachussets]]).

{To jest drugie pytanie
+ Prawidłowa odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
* Text blocks can be inserted between questions by placing it between curly brackets <nowiki>{....}</nowiki>.
* The text blocks can contain wiki markup, such images, hyperlinks and formatting tags, as shown in this example.

===Using images as answers ===

{| class="prettytable"
<quiz display=simple>
{ Która grafika nie przedstawia orzechów? }
- [[Image:Walnut03.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Peanuts.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Malus-Idared on tree.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Pistachios in a bag.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Chestnut.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:P10802511.JPG|100px]]
<quiz display=simple>
{ Which of these are not nuts? }
- [[Image:Walnut03.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Peanuts.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Malus-Idared on tree.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Pistachios in a bag.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Chestnut.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:P10802511.JPG|100px]]
* Unfortunately there does not yet seem to be a way of putting these into a row or tabularising the layout.
* Although this has not been done here for reasons of space, it is generally good practice to specify some kind of tooltip text for the images, but try to avoid text which gives away the answer.

===Using images in the question===

{| class="prettytable"
<quiz display=simple>
{ What is this? [[Image:Butterfly tongue.jpg|100px| ]]
| type="()" }
- Tiger
+ Butterfly
- Bee
- Fly
|<quiz display=simple>
{ What is this? [[Image:Butterfly tongue.jpg|100px| ]]
| type="()" }
- Tiger
+ Butterfly
- Bee
- Fly
In this example, the image is part of the question. You just use normal wiki-markup to insert the image(s).

=== Using animations ===

The section adds no new technical tricks, but it looks pretty.

{| class="prettytable"
<quiz display="simple">
{ [[Image:Heringsschwarm.gif|thumb|left|What kind of fish are these?]]<br style="clear:both;" />
| typ="()" }
+ Herring
- Salmon
- Tunafish
- Goldfish
|<quiz display=simple>
{ [[Image:Radial engine.gif|thumb|left|What's this?]]<br style="clear:both;" />
| typ="()" }
- a boxer engine
- a wankel engine
+ a radial engine
|<quiz display=simple>
{ [[Image:Pyramid of 35 spheres animation.gif|thumb|left|How many balls are there here?]]<br style="clear:both;" />
| typ="{}" }
{ 35 }


===Hyperlinks and other markup===

==== Markup that works inside quizzes ====

* Hyperlinks: <nowiki>[[....]]</nowiki>.
* Images: <nowiki>[[Image:....]]</nowiki>.
* Other media: <nowiki>[[....]]</nowiki>.
* Bold and italic.
* <nowiki><big> and <br /></nowiki>

==== Markup that partly works inside quizzes ====

* Templates: <nowiki>{{....}}</nowiki>.
** ''subst'' doesn't work.
* Tables: <nowiki>{|....|}</nowiki>.
* Headings: e.g. <nowiki>===....===</nowiki>.
** '''Warning:''' At the moment there is a problem with the toc.
* Lists and indents: using #, * and :

===Adding music and sound effects ===

This is similar to insertion of images. Standard wiki markup is used.

=== Configuring points ===

{| class="prettytable"
!wikitext<br />(what you write)!!rendering<br />(what you see)!!comments

&lt;quiz points="3/1!"&gt;
{Try this question now.}
+ Plus 3 points for this one.
- Minus 1 point for this one.
|<quiz points="3/1!">

{Try this question now.}
+ Plus 3 points for this one.
- Minus 1 point for this one.

| valign=top|
* By default, there is 1 point for a correct answer and 0 for a wrong answer.
* You can change this for the whole quiz by using a ''points'' attribute for the ''quiz'' tag.
* The format is "X/Y!", where X gives the points for a correct answer and Y the points for a wrong answer. The Y points are expressed as a positive integer but are ''subtracted'' from the score.
* Due to a '''bug''', the ''points'' attribute has no effect if ''display=simple'' is used (version 0.9.2).
* Values like 1.25 or 2.5 are allowed

&lt;quiz display=simple&gt;
{Try this question now.
|type="()" }
+ 1 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="2"}
+ 2 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="4"}
+ 4 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="0.5"}
+ 1/2 point for this one.
- 0 points for this one.
|<quiz display=simple>

{Try this question now.
|type="()" }
+ 1 point for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="2"}
+ 2 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="4"}
+ 4 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now.
|type="()" coef="0.5"}
+ 1/2 point for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

| valign=top|
* A ''coefficient'' is a way of giving a weighting to a specific question. Normally all the questions have the same number of points. By default, they all have one point. By specifying a coefficient for each or any question, you can multiply the number of points for that question by the coefficient.
* Coefficients can be both numbers above one and numbers between 0 and 1. If the coefficient is above 1, the question will receive greater weighting. If the coefficient is less than 1, the question will receive less weighting.
* You '''must''' put inverted commas around the argument of the ''coef'' attribute.


== Troubleshooting ==

* You '''cannot''' test out the quiz while editing a page, because the ''submit'' button is grayed out. If you wish to test your new quiz, then create a sandbox page somewhere else first (e.g. as a subpage of your user page), then test the quiz there, and finally transfer the quiz to its final location (and test it again anyway).
* The quiz was developed for IE6, IE7, Firefox (and Opera?), but display quality on Opera may not be optimal, and there may be display differences between browsers.
* A reminder: each question must be separated by a blank line, otherwise the questions are merged together into one question.

== Future stuff ==

Information about future developments is mainly available at the [[mw:Extension:Quiz|project space on MediaWiki]]. Lots of things are in planning.

== Zobacz też ==

* The [[mw:Extension:Quiz|quiz extension project at MediaWiki]] where discussion and development of the quiz extension takes place.

Wersja z 03:16, 15 sie 2010

To jest strona pomocy dla rozszerzenia quiz.

To rozszerzenie składa się z kilku prostych komend, a ta strona jest tak długa tylko ze względu na możliwe kombinacje pomiędzy nimi.

Jak zrobić Quiz w podręczniku

Tag quiz

(to co piszesz)
(to co widzisz)
tutaj umieść pytanie


Tu powinno się pojawić pytanie.

Tagi quiz umożliwiają następujące rzeczy:
  • Umieścić standardowe opcje quizów i pokazanie odpowiedzi za pomocą kolorów. Klucz odpowiedzi wg kolorów pojawia się tylko jeśli zostały zaznaczone odpowiedzi.
  • Dodanie przycisku "wyślij" na dole, kiedy użytkownik skończy quiz i będzie chciał poznać odpowiedzi.
  • Wszystko pomiędzy tagami "quiz" jest parsowane przez rozszerzenie Quiz i zamieniane w pytanie, jeśli jest to tylko możliwe.

Teoretycznie możliwe jest użycie tagów quiz osobno przy każdym pytaniu, pozwalając odpowiadać na nie po kolei.

Shuffling questions: if the shuffle questions button is shown, the questions can be shuffled by clicking the button. This only works so long as the quiz-taker has not started to answer the questions. Once the quiz-taker starts answering, the order is locked.

<quiz display=simple>
tutaj umieść pytanie

Tu powinno się pojawić pytanie.

  • Importantly, the addition of "display=simple" as an attribute of the quiz tag removes the points table at the top.
  • This is useful for short quizzes, and especially for situations where you insert single questions between text blocks.
<quiz shuffle=none>
insert questions here


Tu powinno się pojawić pytanie.

  • If you'd like to keep the points table but get rid of the button for shuffling questions, use shuffle=none as shown.

Umieszczanie pytań

Typy pytań znajdują się poniżej. Co ważne, każde pytanie w jednym quzie musi być oddzielone pustym wierszem, inaczej zostaną one potraktowane jako jedno długie pytanie.

Jak czytać przykłady

Przykłady na tej stronie są pokazane na dwa sposoby: jako wikitekst oraz w postaci zrenderowanej. Wikitekst pokazuje kod, który można skopiować do własnego quizy, natomiast rendering pokazuje efekt użytego kodu.

Kopiowanie i wklejanie

The markup has been slightly simplified in order to help understanding. If you copy and paste, you must insert <quiz> tags before and after the markup. You may wish to use the quiz tags with the "display=simple" option as shown above.

Note that the actual example below also use tables for clarity. If a quiz is inserted into a table, this modifies the appearance of a quiz - for example, boxes appear around some elements in the quiz. If you don't use a table, these boxes disappear and your quiz will look plainer.

When pasting, ensure that all the symbols are aligned with the left of the page - i.e. if any line begins with a space, formating errors may occur.


Wszystkie poniższe przykłady powinny działać. Nie bój się je wypróbować. Użycie przycisków nie spowoduje uszkodzeń ani zmian w samej stronie.

Podstawowe typy pytań

Wiele możliwości i jedna odpowiedź

wikitekst rendering uwagi
+ Prawda
- Fałsz
- Fałsz
- Fałsz



  • Ten typ pytań posiada jedną dobrą odpowiedź i dowolną liczbę złych (pokazane są trzy złe, ale ich liczba jest nieograniczona).
  • Poprawna odpowiedź może być w dowolnym wierszu, a żeby ją wyróżnić przed nią musi zostać umieszczony znak "+". Przed nieprawidłowymi odpowiedziami należy użyć znaku "-".
  • Wikitekst powinien być umieszczony pomiędzy tagami <quiz> i </qiuz>.
  • Odpowiedzi pojawiają się w tej samej kolejności co w kodzie, więc należy je wymieszać przed dodaniem ich do kodu.
  • Każdy symbol, jak np. |, "+", "-" i każdy tego typu, musi znaleźć się na początku każdego nowego wiersza.
  • Symbol oznaczający prawdziwość odpowiedzi ("+" i "-") musi znajdować się na początku nowej linii - przed nim nie może pojawić się nawet spacja.
  • The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
  • A distractor is the standard term for a multiple choice option which is wrong.
  • Nawias () w atrybucie "type" symbolizuje odpowiedzi jednokrotnego wyboru (radio).
  • To see the full colour code (with four colours), try doing the quiz and clicking the correction button.
  • A second click on a radio button (i.e. a click on an already clicked radio button) will deselect it.

Pytania Prawda/Fałsz

wikitekst rendering uwagi
{Bułgaria i Rumunia 
dołączyły do Unii Europejskie w 2007.
+ Prawda
- Fałsz
{Szwajcaria jest 
członkiem Unii Europejskiej.
- Prawda
+ Fałsz

1 Bułgaria i Rumunia dołączyły do Unii Europejskie w 2007.


2 Szwajcaria jest członkiem Unii Europejskiej.


  • W wielu quizach pytanie typu Prawda/Fałsz są uważane jako osobny typ, chociaż tak naprawdę są one wariacją wielu możliwości z jedną poprawną odpowiedzią. To rozszerzenie traktuje oba rodzaje quizów identycznie i ich wywołanie wygląda identycznie, jedyna różnica to ilość możliwych odpowiedzi.
  • Pierwszy przykład pokazuje, że poprawną odpowiedzią jest "Prawda".
  • Drugiprzykład pokazuje, że poprawną odpowiedzią może być też "Fałsz".
  • Przykłady są aktywne i można je sprawdzić teraz.
  • If you have a large number of true/false questions, a more efficient way to lay them out would be to use the tabular response type with radio buttons documented below.

Test wielokrotnego wyboru

wikitekst rendering uwagi
+ Poprawna odpowiedź
- Błędna odpowiedź
+ Poprawna odpowiedź
- Błędna odpowiedź


Poprawna odpowiedź
Błędna odpowiedź
Poprawna odpowiedź
Błędna odpowiedź

  • Ten typ quizów umożliwia istnienie więcej poprawnych odpowiedzi niż jedna.
  • Poprawne odpowiedz w kodzie poprzedzone są znakiem "+", fałszy "-".
  • Wikitekst powinien być umieszczony pomiędzy tagami <quiz> i </qiuz>.
  • Answers appear in the same order as in the markup, so it is advisable to shuffle them before exporting into markup.
  • Every symbol, i.e. |, +, - and any other symbols listed further down, must be on a new line.
  • The symbols must begin the newline - no spaces before them.
  • The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
  • The [] symbol in the type attribute is supposed to look like a checkbox.

Krótkie odpowiedzi

wikitekst rendering uwagi
{ &nbsp;
Gdzie urodził się Arystoteles?
{ Stageira }

{ &nbsp;
Imię nauczyciela Arystotelesa? 
{ Platon }

{ &nbsp;
{ Aleksander } był 
najsłynniejszym uczniem Arystotelesa.


Where was Aristotle born?


Name Aristotle's famous mentor.


was Aristotle's most famous pupil.

  • In a typed response the quiz-taker types an answer into a textfield using the keyboard.
  • The question type is signalled using "{}" as the argument of the type.
  • A textfield is inserted using curly brackets at the desired position of the textfield.
    • Note that curly brackets alone don't create a textfield. The curly brackets must have spaces between them and the enclosed text. { Answer } works, but {Answer} doesn't work.
    • The correct answer must be inserted between the curly brackets.
    • The textfield can be positioned anywhere in the text. Text before and after the text field will display as normal text.
  • The borders are a result of the border around the wiki table. They are optional.
  • A non-breaking space was inserted between { and |type= because some text is required at that position (slightly buggy thing).
Name a famous Greek philosopher. 
{ Aristotle|Plato }


Name a famous Greek philosopher.

  • Typed responses often have more than one possible answer. You can list all the possible answers inside the curly brackets using a pipe to separate them.
  • In the example, there are two possible answers. Try it - the demo is live.

Name Aristotle's famous mentor. 
{ Plato _6 }


Name Aristotle's famous mentor.

  • To modify the size of the textfield, add an underscore and an integer following the answer within the curly brackets to represent the number of glyph spaces you need.
  • This number depends, however it should be around n+2 (where n is the number of glyphs in the answer)
{ Complete each box with a synonym
of the following words
<li>free: { gratis _6 }</li>
<li>well: { good _4 }</li>

Complete each box with a synonymof the following words

  1. free:

  2. well:

  • You can group the items into one only question.
  • Do not use line breaks between </li> and <li>.
Where did Aristotle die? 
{ Chalcis (i) }


Where did Aristotle die?

  • Case-sensitivity: typed responses are case-sensitive unless you add (i) at the position shown. The (i) stands for case-insensitive.
  • If some question have more than one possible answer, you should include one (i) for each of them.

Gapfill / cloze

{Complete the text from the Wikipedia article on [[w:Aristotle|Aristotle]].
Aristotle was born in { Stageira _8 } in Chalcidice. His parents were { Phaestis _8 } 
and { Nicomachus _10 }, who became physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle 
was educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of { eighteen|18 _8}, 
he went to { Athens _6 } to continue his education at { Plato _5 }'s Academy. 
Aristotle remained at the Academy for nearly twenty years, not leaving until after 
Plato's death in { 347 _3 } BC. 

Complete the text from the Wikipedia article on Aristotle.

Aristotle was born in

in Chalcidice. His parents were


, who became physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle was educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of

, he went to

to continue his education at

's Academy. Aristotle remained at the Academy for nearly twenty years, not leaving until after Plato's death in


  • Gapfills (or cloze exercises) are created in almost exactly the same way as typed responses. The difference is that you just write a bit more text and add a few more textfields.
  • The gapfill above was additionally placed in a box and centered using a wiki table.

Numerical response

wikitext rendering comments
{In which year was Plato born?
He was born in { 427-428 _5 } BC.

In which year was Plato born?

He was born in


  • At Wikiversity, numerical responses are a subtle modification of typed responses. The syntax is identical, except for some additions which allow numerical ranges and numerical tolerances if the answer is a number.
  • In the example to the right, the uncertainty over Plato's date of birth is reflected in the answer by using a range. A simple hyphen between the numbers permits all numbers inbetween.
{How far is the earth from the sun?
{ 91-95 _3 } million miles.

How far is the earth from the sun?

million miles.

  • This is another example of a range.
  • The _3 ensures that the textfield doesn't get too wide.
{What is 10 times 10?
{ 100 5% _3 }

What is 10 times 10?

  • This is an example of specifying a tolerance. The critical part is "5%", which specifies the expected tolerance of 5%. In this example, values between 95 and 105 should work, but try it.
  • At the time of writing, the underscore method of limiting the size of the textfield does not yet work in combination with a tolerance specification, so a range may be a better method of specifying numerical accuracy.

Complete the following text, inserting words and numbers as appropriate.

The Earth formed around

billion years ago and its only known natural satellite, the

, began orbiting it around

billion years ago. At present, the Earth orbits the

once for every roughly

times it rotates about its axis.

  • Because numerical responses are, programmatically, a sub-variety of typed response, numerical and text responses can be freely mixed in a gapfill as shown to the left.

Tabular response type with radio buttons

wikitext rendering comments
 | A | B | C 
 +-- A is correct.
 -+- B is correct.
 --+ C is correct.


A is correct.
B is correct.
C is correct.

  • Add extra radio buttons by reduplicating the +/- signs at the beginning of each row.
  • There should only be one plus sign in each row.
  • Specify columns headers by using pipes at the top.

Tabular response type with checkboxes

wikitext rendering comments
| Option A | Option B | Option C 
++- Question 1 
(Clue: A and B are correct).
-++ Question 2 (
Clue: B and C are correct).
--+ Question 3 
(Clue: C is correct).


Option A Option B Option C
Question 1 (Clue: A and B are correct).
Question 2 (Clue: B and C are correct).
Question 3 (Clue: C is correct).

  • This type of question has multiple everything.
  • Correct answers are indicated by plus signs, incorrect ones by minus signs. By reduplicating the +/- signs at the beginning of each row, extra checkboxes can be added.
  • The column headers are defined using pipes at the top as shown.

Advanced stuff

Inserting feedback

wikitext rendering comments
 + The correct answer.
 || Feedback for correct answer.
 - Distractor.
 || Feedback for distractor.
 - Distractor.
 || Feedback for distractor.
 - Distractor.
 || Feedback for distractor.


The correct answer.

  • Feedback is text which is initially hidden, and then shown to the user when they submit the quiz for correction. Feedback typically serves the purposes of encouragement, explanation, congratulation and commiseration.
  • Feedback is set with all types by using a double vertical line || immediately after a response.
  • The pipes beginning the feedback section must be on a new line.
  • Unlike some other quiz systems, all feedback items are displayed on correction. With other quiz systems, the norm is to display the feedback only for those items which were selected by the user.
  • To try out the feedback effect, choose a response and click the correction button. The feedback will then appear.

Inserting blocks of text between questions

wikitext rendering comments
{This is the first question.
+ Prawidłowa odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź

{This is a block of text.}

{This is the second question.
+ Prawidłowa odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź
- Zła odpowiedź

1 This is the first question.

Prawidłowa odpowiedź
Zła odpowiedź
Zła odpowiedź

Arctic Terns

The Arctic Tern is a seabird of the tern family Sternidae. This bird has a circumpolar distribution, breeding colonially in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America (as far south as Brittany and Massachussets).

2 To jest drugie pytanie

Prawidłowa odpowiedź
Zła odpowiedź
Zła odpowiedź

  • Text blocks can be inserted between questions by placing it between curly brackets {....}.
  • The text blocks can contain wiki markup, such images, hyperlinks and formatting tags, as shown in this example.

Using images as answers

wikitext rendered comments
<quiz display=simple>
{ Która grafika nie przedstawia orzechów? }
- [[Image:Walnut03.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Peanuts.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:Malus-Idared on tree.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Pistachios in a bag.jpg|100px]]
- [[Image:Chestnut.jpg|100px]]
+ [[Image:P10802511.JPG|100px]]

Which of these are not nuts?

  • Unfortunately there does not yet seem to be a way of putting these into a row or tabularising the layout.
  • Although this has not been done here for reasons of space, it is generally good practice to specify some kind of tooltip text for the images, but try to avoid text which gives away the answer.

Using images in the question

wikitext rendered comments
<quiz display=simple>
{ What is this? [[Image:Butterfly tongue.jpg|100px| ]]
| type="()" }
- Tiger
+ Butterfly
- Bee
- Fly

What is this?


In this example, the image is part of the question. You just use normal wiki-markup to insert the image(s).

Using animations

The section adds no new technical tricks, but it looks pretty.

What kind of fish are these?


What's this?

a boxer engine
a wankel engine
a radial engine

How many balls are there here?

Hyperlinks and other markup

Markup that works inside quizzes

  • Hyperlinks: [[....]].
  • Images: [[Image:....]].
  • Other media: [[....]].
  • Bold and italic.
  • <big> and <br />

Markup that partly works inside quizzes

  • Templates: {{....}}.
    • subst doesn't work.
  • Tables: {|....|}.
  • Headings: e.g. ===....===.
    • Warning: At the moment there is a problem with the toc.
  • Lists and indents: using #, * and :

Adding music and sound effects

This is similar to insertion of images. Standard wiki markup is used.

Configuring points

(what you write)
(what you see)
<quiz points="3/1!">
{Try this question now.} 
+ Plus 3 points for this one.
- Minus 1 point for this one.


Try this question now.

Plus 3 points for this one.
Minus 1 point for this one.

  • By default, there is 1 point for a correct answer and 0 for a wrong answer.
  • You can change this for the whole quiz by using a points attribute for the quiz tag.
  • The format is "X/Y!", where X gives the points for a correct answer and Y the points for a wrong answer. The Y points are expressed as a positive integer but are subtracted from the score.
  • Due to a bug, the points attribute has no effect if display=simple is used (version 0.9.2).
  • Values like 1.25 or 2.5 are allowed
<quiz display=simple>
{Try this question now.
|type="()" } 
+ 1 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now. 
|type="()" coef="2"} 
+ 2 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now. 
|type="()" coef="4"} 
+ 4 points for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

{Try this question now. 
|type="()" coef="0.5"} 
+ 1/2 point for this one.
- 0 points for this one.

1 Try this question now.

1 point for this one.
0 points for this one.

2 Try this question now.

2 points for this one.
0 points for this one.

3 Try this question now.

4 points for this one.
0 points for this one.

4 Try this question now.

1/2 point for this one.
0 points for this one.

  • A coefficient is a way of giving a weighting to a specific question. Normally all the questions have the same number of points. By default, they all have one point. By specifying a coefficient for each or any question, you can multiply the number of points for that question by the coefficient.
  • Coefficients can be both numbers above one and numbers between 0 and 1. If the coefficient is above 1, the question will receive greater weighting. If the coefficient is less than 1, the question will receive less weighting.
  • You must put inverted commas around the argument of the coef attribute.


  • You cannot test out the quiz while editing a page, because the submit button is grayed out. If you wish to test your new quiz, then create a sandbox page somewhere else first (e.g. as a subpage of your user page), then test the quiz there, and finally transfer the quiz to its final location (and test it again anyway).
  • The quiz was developed for IE6, IE7, Firefox (and Opera?), but display quality on Opera may not be optimal, and there may be display differences between browsers.
  • A reminder: each question must be separated by a blank line, otherwise the questions are merged together into one question.

Future stuff

Information about future developments is mainly available at the project space on MediaWiki. Lots of things are in planning.

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