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Rejestr operacji
  • 19:19, 22 lip 2021 TrinaFurphy7220 dyskusja edycje utworzył(a) stronę How Is Original Georgette Made (Utworzono nową stronę "1. Buy of Silk Yarn <br>a. Her yarn is very important there are many countries that manufacture silk yarn some of them are India. But the raw silk made in India is very good in quality.<br>b. In Raw Silk Yarn " [] " is the best company for buying raw silk. <br>c. There are many sizes in the yarn also which ranges from "20-22D" , "27-29D" , 40-44D etc. <br>d. This depends on the weight of the fabric / Saree<br>2. Winding of Silk…")
  • 19:19, 22 lip 2021 Konto użytkownika TrinaFurphy7220 dyskusja edycje zostało utworzone