Kody źródłowe/Prototyp (wzorzec projektowy)
* Base class for all prototypes
public abstract class PrototypeBase : ICloneable {
// cloning the prototype into a new instance
public abstract object Clone();
// some useful action
public abstract void Action();
}// class PrototypeBase
* Place where prototypes are cloning
public class PrototypeManager {
Dictionary<string, PrototypeBase> prototypes = new Dictionary<string,PrototypeBase>();
// manage prototype list
public void AddPrototype(string name, PrototypeBase prototype) {
prototypes[name] = prototype;
}// AddPrototype()
public void DelPrototype(string name) {
}// DelPrototype()
public void DropAllPrototypes() {
}// DropAllPrototypes()
// main function of class
public PrototypeBase GetCopy(string name) {
if (prototypes.ContainsKey(name))
return (PrototypeBase)prototypes[name].Clone(); else
return null;
}// GetCopy()
}// class PrototypeManager
* Concrete Prototype First
public class PrototypeFirst : PrototypeBase {
public List<string> manyStrings = new List<string>();
// cloning the prototype into a new instance
public override object Clone() {
// kind of a deep copy
PrototypeFirst newObj = new PrototypeFirst();
foreach(string str in manyStrings)
newObj.manyStrings.Add( String.Copy(str) );
return newObj;
}// Clone()
// useful action
public override void Action() {
foreach (string str in manyStrings)
}// Action()
}// class PrototypeFirst
* Concrete Prototype Second
public class PrototypeSecond : PrototypeBase {
public int value = 0;
// cloning the prototype into a new instance
public override object Clone() {
PrototypeFirst newObj = (PrototypeFirst)this.MemberwiseClone();
return newObj;
}// Clone()
// useful action
public override void Action() {
}// Action()
}// class PrototypeSecond
/* ------------------------------- */
* Usage example
public class Usage {
public void Foo() {
PrototypeManager manager = new PrototypeManager();
// Filling prototype list
PrototypeFirst first = new PrototypeFirst();
first.manyStrings.Add("String 1");
first.manyStrings.Add("String 2");
manager.AddPrototype("first", first);
PrototypeSecond second = new PrototypeSecond();
second.value = 10;
manager.AddPrototype("second", second);
// Getting copy by prototype
PrototypeBase foo1 = manager.GetCopy("first");
}// Foo()
}// class Usage
[edytuj]#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;
* Record is the Prototype
class Record
public :
Record() {}
virtual ~Record() {}
virtual Record* Clone() const=0;
virtual void Print() const=0;
* CarRecord is Concrete Prototype
class CarRecord : public Record
private :
string m_oStrCarName;
uint32_t m_ui32ID;
public :
CarRecord(const string& _oStrCarName, uint32_t _ui32ID)
: Record(), m_oStrCarName(_oStrCarName),
CarRecord(const CarRecord& _oCarRecord)
: Record()
m_oStrCarName = _oCarRecord.m_oStrCarName;
m_ui32ID = _oCarRecord.m_ui32ID;
~CarRecord() {}
CarRecord* Clone() const
return new CarRecord(*this);
void Print() const
cout << "Car Record" << endl
<< "Name : " << m_oStrCarName << endl
<< "Number: " << m_ui32ID << endl << endl;
* BikeRecord is the Concrete Prototype
class BikeRecord : public Record
private :
string m_oStrBikeName;
uint32_t m_ui32ID;
public :
BikeRecord(const string& _oStrBikeName, uint32_t _ui32ID)
: Record(), m_oStrBikeName(_oStrBikeName),
BikeRecord(const BikeRecord& _oBikeRecord)
: Record()
m_oStrBikeName = _oBikeRecord.m_oStrBikeName;
m_ui32ID = _oBikeRecord.m_ui32ID;
~BikeRecord() {}
BikeRecord* Clone() const
return new BikeRecord(*this);
void Print() const
cout << "Bike Record" << endl
<< "Name : " << m_oStrBikeName << endl
<< "Number: " << m_ui32ID << endl << endl;
* PersonRecord is the Concrete Prototype
class PersonRecord : public Record
private :
string m_oStrPersonName;
uint32_t m_ui32Age;
public :
PersonRecord(const string& _oStrPersonName, uint32_t _ui32Age)
: Record(), m_oStrPersonName(_oStrPersonName),
PersonRecord(const PersonRecord& _oPersonRecord)
: Record()
m_oStrPersonName = _oPersonRecord.m_oStrPersonName;
m_ui32Age = _oPersonRecord.m_ui32Age;
~PersonRecord() {}
Record* Clone() const
return new PersonRecord(*this);
void Print() const
cout << "Person Record" << endl
<< "Name : " << m_oStrPersonName << endl
<< "Age : " << m_ui32Age << endl << endl ;
* RecordFactory is the client
class RecordFactory
private :
map<RECORD_TYPE_en, Record* > m_oMapRecordReference;
public :
m_oMapRecordReference[CAR] = new CarRecord("Ferrari", 5050);
m_oMapRecordReference[BIKE] = new BikeRecord("Yamaha", 2525);
m_oMapRecordReference[PERSON] = new PersonRecord("Tom", 25);
delete m_oMapRecordReference[CAR];
delete m_oMapRecordReference[BIKE];
delete m_oMapRecordReference[PERSON];
Record* CreateRecord(RECORD_TYPE_en enType)
return m_oMapRecordReference[enType]->Clone();
int main()
RecordFactory* poRecordFactory = new RecordFactory();
Record* poRecord;
poRecord = poRecordFactory->CreateRecord(CAR);
delete poRecord;
poRecord = poRecordFactory->CreateRecord(BIKE);
delete poRecord;
poRecord = poRecordFactory->CreateRecord(PERSON);
delete poRecord;
delete poRecordFactory;
return 0;
[edytuj]Public Enum RecordType
End Enum
'' Record is the Prototype
Public MustInherit Class Record
Public MustOverride Function Clone() As Record
End Class
'' PersonRecord is the Concrete Prototype
Public Class PersonRecord : Inherits Record
Private name As String
Private age As Byte
Public Overrides Function Clone() As Record
Return CType(Me.MemberwiseClone(), Record) ' default shallow copy
End Function
End Class
'' CarRecord is another Concrete Prototype
Public Class CarRecord : Inherits Record
Private carname As String
Private id As Guid
Public Overrides Function Clone() As Record
Dim myClone As CarRecord = CType(Me.MemberwiseClone(), Record) ' default shallow copy
myClone.id = Guid.NewGuid() ' always generate new id
Return myClone
End Function
End Class
'' RecordFactory is the client
Public Class RecordFactory
Private Shared _prototypes As New Generic.Dictionary(Of RecordType, Record)
'' Constructor
Public Sub RecordFactory()
_prototypes.Add(RecordType.CAR, New CarRecord())
_prototypes.Add(RecordType.PERSON, New PersonRecord())
End Sub
'' The Factory method
Public Function CreateRecord(ByVal type As RecordType) As Record
Return _prototypes(type).Clone()
End Function
End Class
[edytuj]/** Prototype Class **/
public class Cookie implements Cloneable {
public Object clone() {
try {
Cookie copy = (Cookie)super.clone();
//In an actual implementation of this pattern you might now change references to
//the expensive to produce parts from the copies that are held inside the prototype.
return copy;
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
/** Concrete Prototypes to clone **/
public class CoconutCookie extends Cookie { }
/** Client Class**/
public class CookieMachine {
private Cookie cookie;//could have been a private Cloneable cookie;
public CookieMachine(Cookie cookie) {
this.cookie = cookie;
public Cookie makeCookie() {
return (Cookie)cookie.clone();
public static void main(String args[]) {
Cookie tempCookie = null;
Cookie prot = new CoconutCookie();
CookieMachine cm = new CookieMachine(prot);
for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
tempCookie = cm.makeCookie();
[edytuj] from copy import deepcopy
class Prototype:
def __init__(self):
self._objs = {}
def registerObject(self, name, obj):
register an object.
self._objs[name] = obj
def unregisterObject(self, name):
"""unregister an object"""
del self._objs[name]
def clone(self, name, **attr):
"""clone a registered object and add/replace attr"""
obj = deepcopy(self._objs[name])
return obj
######## “create another instance, w/state, of an existing instance of unknown class/state”
from copy import deepcopy, copy
g = Graphic() # non-cooperative form
shallow_copy_of_g = copy(g)
deep_copy_of_g = deepcopy(g)
from copy import deepcopy, copy
class Graphic:
def clone(self):
return copy(self)
g = Graphic() # cooperative form
copy_of_g = g.clone()
abstract class Prototype
protected $name;
public function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
abstract function __clone();
public function getName()
return $this->name;
class ConcretePrototype extends Prototype
public function __construct($name)
public function __clone() {}
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