Zobacz podstrony tego modułu.
return {
qualifiedFilters = {
processor = {
-- default processor module
-- dedicated processor per property
P39 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/P39",
P569 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/Pdata1",
P570 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/Pdata1",
P1098 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/P1098",
P2119 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/P2119",
-- dedicated auxiliary processor for qualifiers (starting with lower case p)
p580 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/P580",
p582 = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/P582",
-- dedicated default processor per property type
["quantity"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/quantity",
["string"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/string",
["external-id"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/string",
["wikibase-item"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/wikibaseEntityItem",
["globe-coordinate"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/globeCoordinates",
["monolingualtext"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/monolingualText",
["commonsMedia"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/Pfile1",
["math"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/math",
noValueDescription = {
"''bez wartości''[[Kategoria:Cecha bez wartości]]",
["external-id"] = "''brak''",
P282 = "''brak piśmiennictwa''",
P1018 = "''Brak oficjalnych regulacji''",
P1098 = "''[[język wymarły]]''",
someValueDescription = {
-- nothing by default
argLink = "linkuj",
argSeparator = "separator",
argTemplate = "szablon",
argNoValue = "bez wartości",
argFormat = "format",
argBefore = "przed",
argAfter = "po",
argRef = "ref",
forwardedArg = "^parametr:(.*)$",
qualifierArg = "^K(%d+):(.+)$",
errorMissingPropertyId = '<span class="error">Brak identyfikatora właściwości</span>',
wikidataItemLink = "[[d:%s|↗]]",
itemWithoutLabelCat = '[[Kategoria:Wikidane bez opisu]]',
itemWithoutLabelTitle = '<span title="wikidane bez opisu">?</span>',
warnDump = "[[Kategoria:Wywołanie funkcji diagnostycznej 'Dump' z modułu Wikidanych]]",
warnPrefix = "WD ", --"[[Kategoria:WD ",
warnSuffix = "", -- "]]",
warnNoEntity = "Strona bez jednostki w wikidanych",
warnNoClaims = "Jednostka bez stwierdzeń w wikidanych",
warnPropertyByName = "Właściwość ładowana przez nazwę '%s'",
warnNoStatements = "Jednostka nie zawiera poszukiwanej właściwości '%s'",
warnUsingNormalRank = "Brak zalecanych danych dla '%s'",
warnNoAcceptableRank = "Brak wiarygodnych danych dla '%s'",
warnNotSupportedTimeArgs = "Nie wspierane argumenty: before=%d, after=%d",
warnNotSupportedPrecision = "Brak formatu dla precyzji %d",
warnUnrecognizedTime = "Nierozpoznany czas %s",
warnYearOutOfRange = "Rok poza dopuszczalnym zakresem: %s",
warnUnsupportedCalendarModel = "Niewspierany typ kalendarza: %s",
warnMissingCalendarModel = "Brak typu kalendarza",
warnSkyIsNotSupported = "Współrzędne astronomiczne nie są wspierane",
warnInvalidLinkArg = "Nieprawidłowa wartość parametru 'linkuj': %s",
warnUnexpectedType = "Nieoczekiwany typ: %s",
boolYes = "tak",
boolNo = "nie",
separatorAnd = "i",
separatorOr = "lub",
separatorBullet = "*",
separatorOrdered = "#",
separatorOptionalBullet = "*?",
separatorOptionalOrdered = "#?",
refYes = "tak",
defaultLinkDate = false,
defaultLinkCoordinates = true,
defaultLinkItem = true,
defaultTemplate = false,
defaultNoValue = "''bez wartości''[[Kategoria:Cecha bez wartości]]",
defaultSeparator = ", ",
defaultLastAndSeparator = " i ",
defaultLastOrSeparator = " lub ",
decimalSeparator = ",",
geohack_plain = "%s\194\160%s",
geohack_link = "//¶ms=%s",
geohack_hint = "Mapy, zdjęcia satelitarne i inne informacje dotyczące miejsca o współrzędnych geograficznych %s %s",
geohack_text = "<span class=\"latitude\">%s</span>\194\160<span class=\"longitude\">%s</span>",
plainTimeFormats = {
[8] = { '"ok. "Y', '"ok. "Y" p.n.e."' },
[9] = { "Y", 'Y" p.n.e."' },
[10] = { 'F" "Y', 'F" "Y" p.n.e."' },
[11] = { 'j" "xg" "Y', 'j" "xg" "Y" p.n.e."' },
[12] = { 'j" "xg" "Y', 'j" "xg" "Y" p.n.e."' },
[13] = { 'j" "xg" "Y H:i', 'j" "xg" "Y" p.n.e." H:i' },
[14] = { 'j" "xg" "Y H:i:s', 'j" "xg" "Y" p.n.e." H:i:s' },
linkTimeFormats = {
[8] = { '"ok. "Y', '"ok. "Y" p.n.e."' },
[9] = { "[[Y|Y]]", '[[Y" p.n.e."|Y" p.n.e."]]' },
[10] = { 'F" "[[Y|Y]]', 'F" "[[Y" p.n.e."|Y" p.n.e."]]' },
[11] = { '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y|Y]]', '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y" p.n.e."|Y" p.n.e."]]' },
[12] = { '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y|Y]]', '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y" p.n.e."|Y" p.n.e."]]' },
[13] = { '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y|Y]] H:i', '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y" p.n.e."|Y" p.n.e."]] H:i' },
[14] = { '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y|Y]] H:i:s', '[[j xg|j" "xg]]" "[[Y" p.n.e."|Y" p.n.e."]] H:i:s' },
latitudeLinkMarkers = { d="_", m="_", s="_", pp="", ps="N", np="", ns="S", no=0, sc=1 },
longitudeLinkMarkers = { d="_", m="_", s="_", pp="", ps="E", np="", ns="W", no=0, sc=1 },
latitudeGlobeMarkers = { d="°", m="'", s="”", pp="", ps="N", np="", ns="S", no=0, sc=1 },
longitudeGlobeMarkers = { d="°", m="'", s="”", pp="", ps="E", np="", ns="W", no=0, sc=1 },
--latitudeSkyMarkers = { d="<sup>h</sup>", m="<sup>m</sup>", s="<sup>s</sup>", pp="", ps="", ns="", np="", no=360, sc=0.06666666666666666667 },
--longitudeSkyMarkers = { d="°", m="'", s="”", pp="+", ps="", np="-", ns="", no=0, sc=1 },
globes = {
unknownGlobe = { symbol="", link=false },
[""] = { symbol="[[Plik:Geographylogo.svg|20px|alt=Ziemia|link=Ziemia]]", link="", radius=6378137, },
[""] = { symbol="[[Plik:Nuvola apps kmoon left.png|15px|alt=Księżyc|link=Księżyc]] ", link="globe:Moon" },
[""] = { symbol="[[Plik:Blue Mars symbol.svg|15px|alt=Mars|link=Mars]] ", link="globe:Mars" },
[""] = { symbol="[[Plik:Blue Mercury symbol.svg|12px|alt=Merkury|link=Merkury]] ", link="globe:Mercury" },
[""] = { symbol="[[Plik:Symbol venus blue.svg|12px|alt=Wenus|link=Wenus]] ", link="globe:Venus" },
--[""] = { sky=true, symbol="", link=false },
geoformats = {
defaultFormatData = { precision = 0.00000001000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.8f%s" },
defaultPrecision = 0.000277777777777778,
defaultGlobeEarth = "",
linkFormat = { precision = 0, arc = false, format = "%f%s", },
-- the table below need to be sorted descending by precision
-- tablica poniżej musi być posortowana malejąco względem precyzji
{ precision = 10.00000000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.0f%s" },
{ precision = 1.00000000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.0f%s" },
{ precision = 0.10000000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.1f%s" },
{ precision = 0.01666666666666670000, arc = true, format = "%0.0f%s%02.0f%s" },
{ precision = 0.01000000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.2f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00100000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.3f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00027777777777777800, arc = true, format = "%0.0f%s%02.0f%s%02.0f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00010000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.4f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00002777777777777780, arc = true, format = "%0.0f%s%02.0f%s%04.1f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00001000000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.5f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00000277777777777778, arc = true, format = "%0.0f%s%02.0f%s%05.2f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00000100000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.6f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00000027777777777778, arc = true, format = "%0.0f%s%02.0f%s%06.3f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00000010000000000000, arc = false, format = "%0.7f%s" },
{ precision = 0.00000002777777777778, arc = true, format = "%0.0f%s%02.0f%s%07.4f%s" },
arcFormats = {
["kątowo"] = true,
["dziesiętnie"] = false,
quantityFormats = {
around = "około %s",
variance = "%s±%s",
between = "od\194\160%s do\194\160%s",
maximumAmount = 2000000000000000000000000,
maximumVarFactor = 0.1,
-- descending order by amount
amount = 1000000000000000000000,
factor = 1000000000000000000000,
suffix = "\194\160tld",
minvar = 100000000000000000000,
amount = 1000000000000000000,
factor = 1000000000000000000,
suffix = "\194\160tln",
minvar = 100000000000000000,
amount = 1000000000000000,
factor = 1000000000000000,
suffix = "\194\160bld",
minvar = 100000000000000,
amount = 1000000000000,
factor = 1000000000000,
suffix = "\194\160bln",
minvar = 100000000000,
amount = 1000000000,
factor = 1000000000,
suffix = "\194\160mld",
minvar = 100000000,
amount = 1000000,
factor = 1000000,
suffix = "\194\160mln",
minvar = 100000,
amount = 2000,
factor = 1000,
suffix = "\194\160tys",
minvar = 100,
amount = 500,
factor = 1,
suffix = "",
minvar = 20,
amount = 200,
factor = 1,
suffix = "",
minvar = 10,
amount = 50,
factor = 1,
suffix = "",
minvar = 5,
amount = 1,
factor = 1,
suffix = "",
minvar = 1,
quantityUnits = {
Q421744 = { "akt", "akty", "aktów", "aktu" },
Q1185607 = { "scena", "sceny", "scen", "sceny" },
Q11229 = { "%" },
Q4917 = { "$" },
Q550207 = { "dolar międzynarodowy", "dolary międzynarodowe", "dolarów międzynarodowych", "dolara międzynarodowego" },
Q215571 = { "N·m" }, -- niuton razy metr
Q24564698 = { "rok życia", "lata życia", "lat życia", "roku życia" },
Q3710 = { "stopa", "stopy", "stóp", "stopy" },
snakFormatSelector = {
use = "snaktype",
choose = {
["novalue"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/novalue",
["somevalue"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/somevalue",
["value"] = {
use = "datatype",
choose = {
["string"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["string"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/string",
["external-id"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["string"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/string",
["url"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["string"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/string",
["time"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["time"] = {
enter = "value",
use = "calendarmodel",
choose = {
[""] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/prolepticGregorianCalendar",
["wikibase-item"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["wikibase-entityid"] = {
enter = "value",
use = "entity-type",
choose = {
["item"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/wikibaseEntityItem",
["quantity"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["quantity"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/quantity",
["globe-coordinate"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["globecoordinate"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/globeCoordinates",
-- TODO difference by globe EW, W, E
["monolingualtext"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["monolingualtext"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/monolingualText",
["math"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["string"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/math",
["commonsMedia"] = {
enter = "datavalue",
use = "type",
choose = {
["string"] = "Moduł:Wikidane/format/Pfile1",
-- end of "snak.datatype"
-- end of "snaktype"