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Axiom/Zalążek programu AXIOM

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By ułatwić pierwsze kroki w systemie i nie wymagać wprowadzania dużej ilości własnego kodu, utworzyliśmy klasę zawierającą metody, które muszą wystąpić w programie oraz zalążek programu korzystający z tej klasy, w którym będziemy wprowadzać nasze kolejne line kodu.

Klasa ExampleApplication


Klasa ta zawiera metody, które będziemy nadpisywać przy tworzeniu własnego programu pokazowego. Prosimy przekopiować zawartość klasy do pliku tekstowego i nazwać go ExampleApplication.cs. Plik proszę odłożyć w bezpieczne miejsce a w czasie tworzenia programu korzystać z jego kopii.

// This file was created from ExampleApplication.h (Ogle v1.2.3) by trejs
// for use with Axiom's tutorials.
// It still has some flaws. See the "// TODO" lines to begin with.
// But better that than no tutorials at all :)
// 2006-12-26: Fixed the mouse button issue, code now compatible with / trejs
// 2007-08-17: Updated for compatibility with / borrillis 

#region Namespace Declarations
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Axiom;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.Configuration;
using Axiom.Math;
using Axiom.Overlays;
using Axiom.Input;
#endregion Namespace Declarations

namespace ExampleApplication
	public class ExampleApplication
		#region ConfigureConsole
		// Code originally from the command-line demo launcher. Mostly rewritten.
		// If you only want the configuration menu, just copy this class into your application.
		// See how it's used in ExampleApplication.Configure().
		private class ConfigureConsole
			#region Types
			public enum DialogResult

			#region Private fields
			// Currently selected system
			private RenderSystem m_currentSystem;

			// Holds the list of possible rendersystems
			private ConfigOption m_renderSystems;

			// Menu items
			private List<ConfigOption> m_currentMenuItems = new List<ConfigOption>();

			// Currently selected item
			private ConfigOption m_currentOption;

			// Options for the currently selected system
			private List<ConfigOption> m_currentSystemOptions = new List<ConfigOption>();

			#region Properties
			/// <summary>
			/// Gets the selected rendersystem (and all the values of options set for it)
			/// </summary>
			public RenderSystem RenderSystem
					return m_currentSystem;

			#region Constructor
			public ConfigureConsole()
				// Set current RenderSystem to first in list
				m_currentSystem = Root.Instance.RenderSystems[ 0 ];

				// Create rendersystem option and get possible values
				m_renderSystems = new ConfigOption( "Render System", m_currentSystem.Name, false );
				foreach ( RenderSystem r in Root.Instance.RenderSystems )
					m_renderSystems.PossibleValues.Add( r.ToString() );

				// Build list of options for the currently selected rendersystem

			#region Public methods
			public DialogResult Show()
				while ( true )
					// Clear menu buffer

					// Build menu
					if ( m_currentOption == null ) // Main-menu

						// Build menu from m_currentOptions
						foreach ( ConfigOption c in m_currentSystemOptions )
							m_currentMenuItems.Add( c );
					else // Option menu 
						// Add possible values for this option
						foreach ( object value in m_currentOption.PossibleValues )
							m_currentMenuItems.Add( new ConfigOption( value.ToString(), "", false ) );

					// Display menu

					// Handle next keypress (waits for user input)
					DialogResult result = HandleNextKeyPress();

					// Check if we're exiting the configure console
					if ( result != DialogResult.Continue )
						return result;

			#region Private methods
			private void BuildCurrentSystemOptions()
				// Make shure it's empty

				// Add rendersystem options to the list
				m_currentSystemOptions.Add( m_renderSystems );

				// Browse and add options of current rendersystem
				foreach ( ConfigOption c in m_currentSystem.ConfigOptions )
					m_currentSystemOptions.Add( c );

			private bool IsDigit( ref int digit, ConsoleKey key )
				string str = key.ToString();
				if ( str.Length == 2 && char.IsDigit( str[ 1 ] ) )
					digit = int.Parse( str.Substring( 1 ) ); // Numbers are returned like "D5"
					return true;
					return false;

			private DialogResult HandleNextKeyPress()
				// Wait for key and then read it without echo to the console
				ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey( true ).Key;

				// If the currentOption.Name is null, then we're in the main-menu
				if ( m_currentOption == null )
					// Escape exits, enter runs
					if ( key == ConsoleKey.Escape )
						return DialogResult.Exit;
					else if ( key == ConsoleKey.Enter )
						// Save options for current system
						for ( int i = 0; i < m_currentSystemOptions.Count; i++ )
							ConfigOption opt = m_currentSystemOptions[ i ];
							m_currentSystem.ConfigOptions[ opt.Name ] = opt;

						return DialogResult.Run;
						// Check for selection
						int selection = 0;
						if ( IsDigit( ref selection, key ) && selection < m_currentMenuItems.Count )
							m_currentOption = (ConfigOption)m_currentMenuItems[ selection ];
					// Esc: Return to main-menu
					if ( key == ConsoleKey.Escape )
						m_currentOption = null;

					// Check if the current key is a digit, and if that digit is within the possible values
					int selection = 0;
					if ( IsDigit( ref selection, key ) && selection < m_currentOption.PossibleValues.Count )
						// Check if we're about to change render system
						if ( m_currentOption.Name == "Render System" )
							m_currentSystem = Root.Instance.RenderSystems[ selection ];
							m_renderSystems = m_currentOption;

							m_currentOption = null; // Reset current option (to show main-menu)
							m_currentOption.Value = (string)m_currentOption.PossibleValues[ selection ];

							// Set the selected value
							for ( int i = 0; i < m_currentSystemOptions.Count; i++ )
								if ( m_currentSystemOptions[ i ].Name == m_currentOption.Name )
									m_currentSystemOptions[ i ] = m_currentOption;

							m_currentOption = null; // Reset current option (to show main-menu)

				return DialogResult.Continue;

			private void DisplayOptions()
				Console.WriteLine( "Axiom Engine Configuration" );
				Console.WriteLine( "==========================" );

				if ( m_currentOption != null && m_currentOption.Name != null )
					Console.WriteLine( "Available settings for {0}.\n", m_currentOption.Name );

				// Load Render Subsystem Options
				int i = 0;
				foreach ( object o in m_currentMenuItems )
					// If this is a possible-value of an option (and not a list of options in the main-menu)
					// we need to display it's name but not the current value (it doesn't have any).
					if ( m_currentOption == null || m_currentOption.Name == null )
						Console.WriteLine( "{0}      | {1}", i++, o );
						Console.WriteLine( "{0}      | {1}", i++, ( (ConfigOption)o ).Name );

				if ( m_currentOption == null || m_currentOption.Name == null )
					Console.WriteLine( "Enter  | Saves changes." );
					Console.WriteLine( "ESC    | Exits." );

				Console.Write( "\nSelect option: " );

		#region Private fields
		private string m_configFile = "EngineConfig.xml";
		private string m_logFile = "AxiomExample.log";
		private long m_lastOverlayUpdate = -1000;
		private float m_moveScale = 0, m_rotScale = 0, m_moveSpeed = 100, m_rotateSpeed = 36;
		private Vector2 m_rotateVector = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
		private Vector3 m_translateVector = new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 );
		private Root m_root;
		private Camera m_camera;
		private SceneManager m_sceneManager;
		private RenderWindow m_renderWindow;
		private InputReader m_inputReader;
		#endregion Private fields

		#region Protected properties
		/// <summary>
		/// Root (Axiom.Core.Root)
		/// </summary>
		protected Root Root
				return m_root;
				m_root = value;

		/// <summary>
		/// Camera (Axiom.Core.Camera)
		/// </summary>
		protected Camera Camera
				return m_camera;
				m_camera = value;

		/// <summary>
		/// SceneManager (Axiom.Core.SceneManager)
		/// </summary>
		protected SceneManager SceneManager
				return m_sceneManager;
				m_sceneManager = value;

		/// <summary>
		/// RenderWindow (Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow)
		/// </summary>
		protected RenderWindow RenderWindow
				return m_renderWindow;
				m_renderWindow = value;

		/// <summary>
		/// InputReader (Axiom.Input.InputReader)
		/// </summary>
		protected InputReader InputReader
				return m_inputReader;
				m_inputReader = value;
		#endregion Protected fields

		#region Public properties
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets or set the config file name and path
		/// </summary>
		public string ConfigFile
				return m_configFile;
				m_configFile = value;

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets or sets the config file name and path
		/// </summary>
		public string LogFile
				return m_logFile;
				m_logFile = value;

		#region Init methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Starts the example
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void Run()
				if ( Setup() )
			catch ( System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException ex )
				// This catches directx missing (or too old) to log :)
				for ( int i = 0; i < ex.LoaderExceptions.Length; i++ )
					if ( LogManager.Instance != null )
						LogManager.Instance.Write( ex.LoaderExceptions[ i ].Message );
			catch ( Exception ex )
				if ( LogManager.Instance != null )
					LogManager.Instance.Write( ex.ToString() );

			// TODO: Memory cleanup here..

		/// <summary>
		/// Initalizes the application
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>True if successfull, False to exit the application</returns>
		protected virtual bool Setup()
			m_root = new Root( ConfigFile, LogFile );


			// Run config utility, exit program if it returns false
			if ( !Configure() )
				return false;
				m_renderWindow = Root.Instance.Initialize( true );

			// Initalize input
			m_inputReader = PlatformManager.Instance.CreateInputReader();
			m_inputReader.Initialize( m_renderWindow, true, true, false, true );


			// Set default mipmap level (NB some APIs ignore this)
			TextureManager.Instance.DefaultNumMipMaps = 5;

			// Create any resource listeners (for loading screens)

			// Add some event handlers

			// Lastly, create the scene

			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Adds the searchpaths from "EngineConfig.xml" to resources
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void SetupResources()
			EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig();

			config.ReadXml( ConfigFile );

			foreach ( EngineConfig.FilePathRow row in config.FilePath )
				ResourceManager.AddCommonArchive( row.src, row.type );

		/// <summary>
		/// Configures the application
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>True if successfull, False to exit the application</returns>
		protected virtual bool Configure()
			ConfigureConsole cc = new ConfigureConsole();
			if ( cc.Show() == ConfigureConsole.DialogResult.Exit )
				return false;

			// Set selected rendersystem
			m_root.RenderSystem = cc.RenderSystem;

			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Chooses scene manager (SceneType.Generic)
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void ChooseSceneManager()
			// Create a generic scene manager
			m_sceneManager = m_root.SceneManagers.GetSceneManager( SceneType.Generic );

		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a camera at 500 in the Z direction that looks at -300 in the Z direction
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void CreateCamera()
			// Create the camera
			m_camera = m_sceneManager.CreateCamera( "PlayerCam" );

			// Position it at 500 in the Z direction
			m_camera.Position = new Vector3( 0, 0, 500 );

			// Look back along -Z
			m_camera.LookAt( new Vector3( 0, 0, -300 ) );
			m_camera.Near = 5;

		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a viewport using mCamera
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void CreateViewports()
			// Create one viewport, entire window
			Viewport vp = m_renderWindow.AddViewport( m_camera );
			vp.BackgroundColor = ColorEx.Black;

			// Alter the camera aspect ratio to match the viewport
			m_camera.AspectRatio = vp.ActualWidth / vp.ActualHeight;

		/// <summary>
		/// Optional override method where you can create resource listeners (e.g. for loading screens)
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void CreateResourceListener()


		/// <summary>
		/// Registers event handlers and calls InitOverlay()
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void RegisterEventHandlers()
			m_root.FrameStarted += UpdateInput;
			m_root.FrameStarted += UpdateOverlay;
			m_root.FrameStarted += FrameStarted;
			m_root.FrameEnded += FrameEnded;

			// Create debug overlay

		/// <summary>
		/// Initalizes the debug overlay (fps, etc..)
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void InitOverlay()
			Overlay o = OverlayManager.Instance.GetByName( "Core/DebugOverlay" );
			if ( o == null )
				throw new Exception( "Could not find overlay named 'Core/DebugOverlay'." );

		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the scene
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void CreateScene()

		#endregion Init methods

		#region Event handlers
		/// <summary>
		/// This is run before each frame
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected virtual void FrameStarted( object source, FrameEventArgs e )


		/// <summary>
		/// This is run after each frame
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected virtual void FrameEnded( object source, FrameEventArgs e )


		/// <summary>
		/// Checks for input and handles it
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected virtual void UpdateInput( object source, FrameEventArgs e )

			#region Camera movement
			// Reset vectors
			m_rotateVector.x = m_translateVector.x = 0;
			m_rotateVector.y = m_translateVector.y = 0;
			m_translateVector.z = 0;

			// Move
			m_moveScale = m_moveSpeed * e.TimeSinceLastFrame;

			// Rotate
			m_rotScale = m_rotateSpeed * e.TimeSinceLastFrame;

			// Move forward and back
			if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.W ) || m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.Up ) )
				m_translateVector.z = -m_moveScale;
			else if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.S ) || m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.Down ) )
				m_translateVector.z = m_moveScale;

			// Move left and right
			if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.A ) )
				m_translateVector.x = -m_moveScale;
			else if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.D ) )
				m_translateVector.x = m_moveScale;

			// Move up and down
			if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.PageUp ) )
				m_translateVector.y = m_moveScale;
			else if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.PageDown ) )
				m_translateVector.y = -m_moveScale;

			// Rotate left and right
			if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.Left ) )
				m_rotateVector.x = -m_rotScale;
			else if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.Right ) )
				m_rotateVector.x = m_rotScale;

			// Right mouse button pressed
			if ( m_inputReader.IsMousePressed( MouseButtons.Right ) )
				// Translate
				m_translateVector.x += m_inputReader.RelativeMouseX * 0.13f;
				m_translateVector.y -= m_inputReader.RelativeMouseY * 0.13f;
				// Apply mouse rotation
				m_rotateVector.x += m_inputReader.RelativeMouseX * 0.13f;
				m_rotateVector.y += m_inputReader.RelativeMouseY * 0.13f;

			// Apply changes
			m_camera.Yaw( -m_rotateVector.x );
			m_camera.Pitch( -m_rotateVector.y );
			m_camera.MoveRelative( m_translateVector );
			#endregion Camera movement

			// TODO: what about window-closing-event?
			if ( m_inputReader.IsKeyPressed( KeyCodes.Escape ) )

				// TODO: Find a better way
				if ( m_root != null )
					// remove event handlers
					//  engine.FrameStarted -= new FrameEvent( OnFrameStarted );
					// engine.FrameEnded -= new FrameEvent( OnFrameEnded );


				m_sceneManager.RemoveCamera( m_camera );
				m_camera = null;
				Root.Instance.RenderSystem.DetachRenderTarget( m_renderWindow );


		/// <summary>
		/// Updates the debug overlay
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void UpdateOverlay( object source, FrameEventArgs e )
			if ( Root.Instance.Timer.Milliseconds - m_lastOverlayUpdate >= 1000 )
				m_lastOverlayUpdate = Root.Instance.Timer.Milliseconds;

				OverlayElement element =
						OverlayElementManager.Instance.GetElement( "Core/DebugText" );
				element.Text = m_renderWindow.DebugText;

				element = OverlayElementManager.Instance.GetElement( "Core/CurrFps" );
				element.Text = string.Format( "Current FPS: {0}", Root.Instance.CurrentFPS );

				element = OverlayElementManager.Instance.GetElement( "Core/BestFps" );
				element.Text = string.Format( "Best FPS: {0}", Root.Instance.BestFPS );

				element = OverlayElementManager.Instance.GetElement( "Core/WorstFps" );
				element.Text = string.Format( "Worst FPS: {0}", Root.Instance.WorstFPS );

				element = OverlayElementManager.Instance.GetElement( "Core/AverageFps" );
				element.Text = string.Format( "Average FPS: {0}", Root.Instance.AverageFPS );

				element = OverlayElementManager.Instance.GetElement( "Core/NumTris" );
				element.Text = string.Format( "Triangle Count: {0}", m_sceneManager.TargetRenderSystem.FacesRendered );
		#endregion Events

Zalążek programu w środowisku programistycznym


Środowiska programistyczne, takie jak Visual Studio, podczas tworzenia nowego projektu wprowadzają własne zalążki programu. Należy je zamienić na następujące jądro programu:

       using System;
       using Axiom;
       using Axiom.Core;
       using Axiom.Math;
       namespace ExampleApplication
           class Program 
               static void Main(string[] args)
                   AxiomTutorial app = new AxiomTutorial ();
           class AxiomTutorial : ExampleApplication
               protected override void CreateScene()

Jądro programu ma bardzo prostą definicję. W zasadzie robi dwie rzeczy:

  • tworzy obiekt aplikacji
  • uruchamia obiekt aplikacji
                   AxiomTutorial app = new AxiomTutorial ();

W jądrze musimy co najmniej nadpisać metodę createScene() z ExampleApplication.

Nasza praca w głównej mierze polega na nadpisywaniu kolejnych metod różnych klas definiowanych przez AXIOM.